How To Create An Allergy Diary

Health & Medical Blog

Allergies can be simply inconvenient or they can be downright life threatening. For the less than life threatening types, it can sometimes be difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of the allergy. Allergists use a set of tools, including pinprick tests and standard blood tests to discover allergies, but they may also ask you to keep an allergy diary to help narrow down the possible allergens. These diaries are often used for food, but can also be beneficial for other types of allergies.

30 March 2016

How To Get Rid Of Skin Tags Yourself

Health & Medical Blog

There is not a lot you can do to prevent skin tags from growing on your skin, but there are steps you can take to get rid of them without visiting a doctor. Skin tags are generally harmless, but they are not pretty to look at. They are small growths that can appear anywhere on your body and are most prevalent on areas of your body where skin rubs together. Here are two methods you could try that may help you eliminate all the skin tags you have.

30 March 2016

What Is Shoulder Tendonitis?

Health & Medical Blog

Shoulder tendonitis is a painful condition where there is inflammation of the rotator cuff or biceps tendon. Knowing what causes it, how it can be treated, and what you can do to prevent shoulder tendonitis can help you stay healthy and comfortable. What causes shoulder tendonitis? Shoulder tendonitis is caused by repeated use of the affected area, or it can be caused by a sudden jarring impact. Participating in organized sports, like baseball, swimming, tennis and golfing, is sometimes a cause for shoulder tendonitis because of the physical repetition involved.

14 March 2016

Six Menopause Symptoms You Might Not Expect

Health & Medical Blog

Hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness -- these are all menopause symptoms that are frequently discussed and expected by most women. However, they are far from the only symptoms of menopause. Here's a look at six other symptoms you may notice as you enter this stage of life. Burning Tongue Does your tongue sometimes feel warm or like you just ate a hot pepper? Known as burning tongue syndrome, this is a normal (though not overly common) symptom of menopause.

11 March 2016

Oral Immunotherapy In Children: An Overview

Health & Medical Blog

If your child has recently been diagnosed with a food allergy, you may be preparing for the days ahead – notifying schools, reading food labels a second and even a third time, and training your child and all caregivers on how to administer a rescue medication should an allergic reaction become severe. There is, however, a chance that your child may qualify for a new but promising treatment known as oral immunotherapy.

24 February 2016

5 Tips For Getting Rid Of Acne

Health & Medical Blog

Facing the world each day with beautiful skin is certainly ideal. However, different stages of life from the teenage years to menopause can cause hormonal issues that may result in acne. If you suffer from bouts of this skin condition, you will want to know the most efficient way to treat it. By being aware of tips that are effective at getting rid of acne, these can be particularly useful to you.

8 February 2016

Tips For Tackling The Initial Hearing Aid Adjustment Period

Health & Medical Blog

Getting that first hearing aid can be overwhelming. The transition in your hearing is going to take time to adjust to, so it's important that you prepare yourself carefully for the change. It may take you a couple of weeks to really adapt to the hearing aid. The biggest challenge for many people is the fact that hearing aids don't restore your hearing to a condition that resembles natural hearing, they just amplify sound.

25 January 2016

Gas Pain & How To Deal With It Naturally

Health & Medical Blog

Gas is a natural function, although it does not mean that it needs to be excessive or painful. This guide will show you some of the symptoms related to excessive gas and a few natural solutions that may help you deal with the pain until you can see your doctor.  Symptoms Related To Excessive Gas Pain Gas happens when some of the carbohydrates that you consume are not digested properly by your stomach.

20 January 2016

3 Milder And Lesser-Known Symptoms Of Food Allergies

Health & Medical Blog

Food allergies are not uncommon. It is normal to develop food allergies in childhood, or even in adulthood. This is why it is so important that you understand what the symptoms are of food allergies. When most people think about food allergies they think of the most severe symptoms, such as anaphylaxis. But there are many other symptoms that are milder, but that can be dangerous is they are ignored. Here are some of the lesser-known symptoms to look for.

4 January 2016