The Advantages Of Moving Into Mental Health Transitional Living Housing

Health & Medical Blog

After spending several weeks or months in a mental health facility, you might look forward to leaving and getting back to your everyday life. However, you also want to avoid the challenges that landed you in the facility in the first place.

You may not be stable or safe enough yet to go back home and resume your life as it was before you received treatment. Instead, you may benefit more from moving into mental health transitional living housing after your release.

Around-the-clock Support

Despite being released from the treatment facility, you may still need 24/7 support during your recovery. You might experience challenges with anxiety and depression at nighttime, for example. You may also feel panicky during the daytime when you are expected to carry out regular activities like washing your own laundry or taking out the garbage.

When you live in mental health transitional housing after your release, you may have support staff readily on hand. Case and social workers, as well as outpatient therapists, may work in the housing where you live. There also may be several in-home care workers who are on hand to provide support to you and help you manage your symptoms while you live in mental health transitional living housing.

Relearning Normal Routines

When you were in the treatment facility, you might have had every minute of the day planned out for you. You were told when to get up and eat breakfast. You also were kept on a tight medication regimen and had nurses dispense your medication for you.

After your release, however, you are expected to plan and carry out your own daily routine. When you live in mental health transitional living housing, you can relearn how to live a regular everyday life. You are in a safe place as you learn what time to get up, how to take your medications on time, and otherwise plan out a day that will accommodate your symptoms and allow you to live productively and safely.

Adapting to Others

Finally, mental health transitional living housing gives you time to adapt to being around other people. You can live in a safe place while you adjust to people who might pique your anxiety or trigger panic attacks in you. You avoid entering society abruptly and possibly relapsing and having to go back into treatment.

Mental health transitional living housing provides you with 24/7 support after your release from treatment. You also relearn the routines of a normal and productive day and progressively learn to adapt to other people. 

For more information about mental health transitional living, contact a local facility. 


20 September 2022