Understanding Uterus Didelphys And Its Effect On Pregnancy


Uterus didelphys is a rare anomaly where a woman has a double uterus due to the tubes that typically merge together in utero not forming one uterine cavity. A woman with uterus didelphys may have two uteri, one cervix and one vagina, two uteri, a cervix for each uterus, and one vagina, or two uteri, a cervix for each uterus, and a double vagina. It is possible for this condition not to be recognized, as sexual intercourse is usually not affected, and some women have no problems conceiving, carrying a baby to term, and delivering the child vaginally. But for many women there are some complications associated with this anomaly, such as:

Premature Labor

When a woman has two uteri, each one is smaller than a uterus in a woman without a uterine anomaly. While each uterus can be a very hospitable womb for an embryo, as the baby grows it is not uncommon for the uterus where the baby is growing to become too small. This can often result in premature labor and delivery, and depending on when a women delivers, the baby may need to spend time in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) if the baby is born several weeks premature. 


Even if a baby is not born premature due to the fact that his or her mother has uterus didelphys, there is a good chance that the baby will be malpositioned due to lack of space. In a normal pregnancy with a typical uterus, babies naturally turn head down and are vaginally delivered head first. Since a woman with uterus didelphys has two uteri that are smaller than a normal uterus, it is not uncommon for a baby to not be able to turn into the head-down position. A baby who is not head down is typically considered to be in a breech position, and most doctors do not feel that the risks are worth trying to delivering a breech baby vaginally.

In most cases, a breech baby will result in a C-section for the safety of the newborn and the mother. Recovering from a C-section can be harder than recovering from a routine vaginal delivery, but it is typically considered to be the safest option. This is especially true for women with uterine anomalies, as it is not uncommon for babies to be in dangerous positions when either premature labor occurs or a C-section is performed. Contact a gynecologist like one from Anchorage OB for more information.


29 August 2015