Signs That You May Have A Pelvic Floor Disorder

Health & Medical Blog

As women age, their bodies go through a tremendous amount of changes, especially with the reproductive organs. If you have been experiencing any changes in your lower body, specifically your pelvic area, it's important to have the issue checked out right away by your gynecologist. If your doctor tells you that you have a pelvic floor disorder, it can be a scary and uncertain diagnosis. Here are some common symptoms that may indicate that you have a type of pelvic organ prolapse or disorder.

Incontinence Issues

An initial sign of a pelvic floor disorder is showing signs of incontinence. This can be either urinary or fecal incontinence. You may not realize you need to empty your bladder until you have a sudden urge to go. This can cause leaks when you make a sudden movement such as laughing or coughing.  If the prolapse of your pelvic area is severe, your rectum can also be affected. Because your rectum may not be in its original position or it has added pressure from surrounding organs, you may find it easier to lose your bowels unknowingly or experience extreme bouts of constipation. A urogynecologist, specializing in urology and gynecology, is trained to perform a pelvic floor lift or institute other measures to restore your bladder and rectal health issues.

Pelvic Pain

Having unexplained pelvic floor pain is another symptom of a prolapse. The pain is often caused from the organs in your pelvic area falling out of position. Certain things can cause pelvic floor disorders such as

  • Childbirth
  • Injury to the pelvic floor
  • Muscle and nerve conditions
  • Heavy lifting
  • Heredity 
  • Menopause
  • Chronic health issues that lead to straining or coughing

It's important to talk to your gynecologist or urogynecologist about your specific cause of pelvic pain.

Organ Visibility

In extreme cases, the pelvic floor can become so compromised that it completely collapses. In this case, some of your internal organs can actually drop down to the cervical area and push the tissues outward through the vagina. The result is the vaginal walls and other tissues becoming visibly exposed. Specialized surgery such as a pelvic reconstructive surgery can be performed to restore your female anatomy back to its original state as closely as possible. Your bladder, rectum and ovaries are tied upward during surgery to allow them to be positioned correctly. The pelvic floor is stabilized with mesh, preventing the issue from recurring in the future.  

Menstrual Issues

Experiencing menstrual changes—especially during menopause is common but can become a cause for concern if there are a lot of significant issues. If you are experiencing severe pain or swelling, this should be addressed by your doctor right away. Pressure on your ovaries or uterus from internal organs shifting combined with other gynecological problems may only get worse over time. Your urogynecologist may recommend a laparoscopic hysterectomy in addition to pelvic reconstruction surgery to help you regain a normalcy with your gynecological health.

Gaining a better understanding of your overall feminine health can help you make the best choices when it comes to your care. For more information, contact a center such as Western Branch Center for Women.


7 April 2015